15 Warning Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

Whether you have high or low level of blood sugar, it’s tougher than sounds. You might be surprised, but it’s more than not eating certain foods. Diabetes is one of the most common and also dangerous diseases. Check which silent symptoms you shouldn’t neglect.

15. Unusual Thirst

The first important sign of diabetes is unusual and excessive thirst. Drinking a lot is normal and healthy but if you noticed that you’re thirsty all the time, something’s wrong. You’d better visit the doctor to get checked. 

14. Urge to Pee

Obviously, if you start drinking a lot more than you usually would, you’ll also have to go to the bathroom more frequently. In addition, high blood sugar level increases the amount of urine production, as well. That’s why it is important to keep track of your bathroom visits.

13. Fatigue

Feeling tired even when you didn’t do anything exhausting? Sure, you might be simply lazy but that is also one of the symptoms. You can experience tiredness in case of both low and high blood pressure. Glucose slows down the circulation, thus your cells won’t get the amount of nutrients and oxygen they need and it all results in making you feel tired.

12. Thrush

Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to itching and burning in the genital area as the excess sugar increases the risk of getting yeast infections. Although it is relatively common and mostly harmless, it has to be treaded immediately because it can have serious complications combined with diabetes.

11. Worse Vision

Blurry vision is often one of the first warning signs of diabetes. If your blood sugar is too high, fluid may be pulled from the lenses of your eyes. This may make it more difficult for your eyes to focus so things become blurry. A blurred field of vision, flashes, and spots of light will disappear once blood sugar returns to normal. If blood sugar levels are uncontrolled, blood gets thicker. Thicker blood pulls in more fluid from surrounding tissues including the lenses of the eye thus impacting the ability to focus. High blood sugar can cause the lens of the eye to swell. The ultimate consequence could be blindness.

10. Slow Healing

Be careful around knives, blades and everything sharp in general. You may have to consider getting checked in case you noticed that your cuts and wounds are healing very slowly. Plus, if you do have diabetes, you’re more likely to get infected thanks to your weakened immune system.

9. Appetite

There can be countless reasons for an increased appetite and one of them is diabetes, of course. Excessive hunger is not something you should take no notice of. It is not just simply a lack of self-control, thing could get really serious if you don’t act.

8. Weight Loss

Similar to weight gain, diabetes can result in weight loss, as well. The problem is that your body starts to break down protein from your muscles and not fat. Furthermore, your kidneys start working excessively hard trying to trying to eliminate the extra glucose. Keep in mind that not every weight loss is healthy and go get an appointment.

7. Skin Problems

It’s not about regular acne and blackheads but much more. The defense mechanism of your body is just trying help fight against diabetes with those darkening spots, rashes and itchy skin all over your body. Luckily, these drastic changes are easy to notice so don’t wait until it gets worse.

6. Numbness and Tingling

Most people only get scared when they experience the first signs of numbness. Untreated high blood sugar has numerous detrimental effects starting from nerve damage, numbness, and tingling to pain and swelling hands and feet. Doesn’t sound that good right? You should definitely ask for help.

5. Lose Hearing

This is just one consequence of the nerve damage. Since the small vessels and nerves are damaged, sound transmissions get interrupted on their way to your brain. Actually, hearing loss is twice as common in people with diabetes as others so it’s okay to start worry if you noticed any sudden change.

4. Bleeding Gums

High blood glucose is known to help bacteria grow wherever it is. First, you start getting red, swollen gums which will bleed while you brush your teeth. Right after you see blood on your toothbrush examine yourself in the mirror and get checked by a doctor.

3. Calf Cramps

People suffering from diabetes are familiar with cramps, especially in their legs on a daily basis. This can also lead to circulation problems and pain in some parts of the body like thighs and even buttocks. It can be eased with some supplements and rest for a while but it will only get worse after a longer time.

2. Perspiration

Everybody’s perspiration rate is different, but it’s got to be consistent. Some diabetics experience excessive sweating even when they sleep or eat, while others stop sweating completely. No surprise, neither of these are healthy. The point is to be aware if something’s different about your body.

1. Dry Mouth

Perhaps your mouth suffers the most once you get diabetes. If yeast infections and bleeding gums weren’t enough, you’ll be happy to know that your mouth can constantly be dry, as well. High levels of blood sugar cause sore and lack of moisture in your mouth, which is not that nice to have.

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