Cats are full of fast thinking, purring, and graceful movements. These are the rewards of cat ownership. Taking care of a cat can be awful, however, so you need the right advice. This article will give you some tips on cats that can make your cat healthier and happier. Read on!
Prevent your cats from playing with drapery cords. Never let your cats play with drape cords, as they could seriously injure themselves. This is incredibly dangerous as it could be fatal for your cat. Keep your drape cords pinned out of sight to prevent this.
To help your aging cat feel cozy, place a warmed tile under his bed. Just get a tile and heat it up in the oven for a while to place under the cat’s bed. Keep the temperature of the oven at 200 degrees. Wrap it tightly in a towel and place it under the cat bed. When the tile cools down, change it out for a fresh, warm one.
It can be tough to keep cats off the countertops. Cats like to be up high, where they can watch everything going on. You can try to combat this problem by designating some high-up places for your cat to hang out. The use of a cat tower within your kitchen or close by can help make the cats stay off the counter.
Never let your cat experience frequent boredom. Cats should have a lot of exercise and playtime. Sadly, this is overlooked by many cat owners. Bored cats are more prone to depression, obsessive compulsive disorders, as well as many other behavioral issues. Give them toys they can play with, play with them yourself, or at the least give them room to exercise. Give them a cat tree to play with.
The litter box for your cat needs to be in a good location. Try to keep it away from areas of household traffic and away from your cat’s eating areas. To minimize odors, keep it in a spot that’s well ventilated. This will keep both you and your cat happy.
Use quality food to prevent crystals from forming in a cat’s urine. These are very painful and expensive to treat. Feed your cat food that is low in magnesium. The best way to find out is to read the label. Fish products can have more magnesium when compared to poultry.
You may get much better prices on medications online. There may be times when you cannot purchase medication online, such as in an emergency; however, monthly medication, such as flea medicine, can be bought online. The savings can amount to almost 50 percent on regularly prescribed medications.
Create a tablecloth that your cats can use. Often, a cat will remove food from his bowl to eat on the side. This can result in a mess that needs to be cleaned up. Simply place a cloth placemat that will grab at the food under their plate and then shaken out over the trash. You can put a vinyl one underneath that can be picked up wiped down easily if you prefer.
You need to establish some boundaries if you are getting a cat for your children. Let them know which rooms and areas your cats should not be in. If your cat is going to be one that stays inside, let the kids know that it’s not allowed outside. This will ensure nothing bad happens.
Watch kittens around kids. This is especially true if your child is less than five years old. They are just not mature enough to understand the danger they can pose for the kitten. Once the child is older and more mature, decide if they are ready for the responsibility of handling animals.
Provide your cat with canned food rather than dry. Dry food is cheaper, but some wet foods have more benefits. Your cat will get more water and more vitamins and protein. It is easier for older cats to chew. Talk to your vet, but canned food is generally superior for your cat.
If adding an additional cat to your home, give the cats a couple of weeks to get comfortable with each other. They might have conflict, hide from each other or swat one another. But, eventually, they will get used to the idea, and begin to tolerate, and even enjoy, each other’s company.
Play is something that all cats need to do. Play is necessary for all mammals no matter the age or species. Even older cats like to play. Make sure you have fun with the cat whenever you can!
This article has given you some great information. You can really become a better pet owner. When your cat is cared for properly, you will enjoy your time with it much more and it will be happier. Follow the guidelines above to help ensure your cat remains content.
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