A cat’s purr is one of the most satisfying sounds you can hear. This is relaxing for humans, and cats enjoy it too. A happy cat is a healthy cat. Use the following advice to keep your cat purring all day long.
Make sure your cat is always groomed. They need to be brushed every day. This will keep them sterile and aesthetically pleasing. In addition, it helps decrease shedding, which results in less hairballs. Grooming a cat properly will improve the appearance of your home and cat.
If your cat is female, you need to get it spayed at the proper age. It does not matter if you an indoor cat; if she gets out when in heat, you can end up with many kittens. The best method of preventing your cat from pregnancy is to get her spayed.
Kitty claws can be quite destructive to fabric and furnishings. If you have problems with a cat that shreds furniture, invest in a durable scratching post. Place this device into an area that your cat frequents, and attempt to get your cat to scratch it rather than the furniture. Sooner or later, they’ll love to use it.
Do not isolate the litter box in a distant place. Don’t put it where the cat can’t reach it or near their food. It is also advisable to keep the litter box area ventilated to control odor. This will keep both you and your cat happy.
Male felines tend to get crystals in the urine that can be prevented with proper diet. Just like kidney stones, these crystals are painful and vet bills are pricey. Choose a cat food with low magnesium content. Read the label on any food you choose. Fish is often high in magnesium compared to chicken.
Do you own both a dog and a cat? Keep in mind that the two animals have separate dietary needs, and dogs will try cat food if given the chance. Therefore, your cat’s food bowl should be placed in a high location that is out of your dog’s reach. This can also prevent unnecessary arguments between your pets over the water supply, once the food has been consumed.
If your cat dirties the space near his litter box, don’t punish them. When this occurs, it is probably just a sign that the litter box wasn’t properly taken care of. Your cat will become afraid of you if you punish it or scold it too often.
It would be a good idea for your cat to get used to a pet carrier. Cats are not as responsive to punishment as dogs are. They prefer encouragement instead. Place a loved blanket and favorite toy into a carrier and then leave the door open. Make sure it’s in an area that the cat frequents. Over time, the cat will feel comfortable and go inside the carrier. Let it happen naturally or with only mild coaxing. Do not get angry. This makes transporting much easier.
Vary your cat’s diet just a tiny bit to keep them from being picky. Cats who eat the same food day after day either grow tired of it, or it becomes the only food that they will eat.
Be patient with your pets when you introduce a second cat into your home. There will be an inevitable adjustment period as your two cats get to know each other. They may hide from one another, hiss, or even swat each other. Eventually, they become used to each other and are comfortable together.
If your cat begins defecating or urinating too frequently, it’s time to see the vet. This may be a symptom of an infection of the urinary tract or another health problem in your cat. Some cheap antibiotics can resolve potential risks for your cat.
A cat’s life isn’t complete without play. Play is important for all mammals, even people, regardless of their age. Older cats do not have the same energy level as younger ones, but they still like to play a little. Make sure you spend time doing fun things with your cat.
If you desire a long-haired cat, it’s best to know what kind of care is involved before you do so. That hair will truly get everywhere! These breeds are best left to those with the time and energy to do a lot of cleaning. Additionally, consider that longer-haired cats are more likely to have issues with hairballs.
Think carefully about where you put the litter box for your cat. You may really want to hide that box from everyday life. The litter box needs to be placed in a spot that your cat can reach very easily. Your cat will use the litter box if it is placed in a quiet place and away from smells your cat does not enjoy. The area around the litter box should be comfortable and warm to walk on, so make adjustments as needed.
A cat that’s happy will definitely be purring more often. You can keep your cat happy and healthy with the techniques in the following article. Use this advice to make your cat happier.
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