Do you own a cat? If so, you love it to death! Cats are animals that require lots of care and affection. That’s something you can definitely do! Keep reading for some excellent cat care tips.
If you have drape cords in your home, keep them away from your cats. Do not let your cat play with these. If the cords are in loops and the cat jumps into them or plays with them, they could possibly get them caught around their neck. This is incredibly dangerous as it could be fatal for your cat. Hide the cords for safety sake.
Check out your local shelter if you are thinking about getting a cat. Shelters around the country are overflowing, and the cats there need more humans to help. Adoption fees often include things like spaying or neutering them, shots or other vet care. You’re literally saving their life.
If your cat is female, you need to get it spayed at the proper age. Even if you own an indoor cat, it might produce many kittens if it escapes during mating season. Spaying the feline is really the optimal way of dealing with this.
Think about putting a microchip in your pet. Your pet may be an indoor cat, but that doesn’t mean it’ll never dash through your door or slide outside via an open window. Tags and collars may be able to help you get your cat back, but cats can sometimes take these things off or they could get hung up on a tree or something. A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and can hold all of your contact information. These days, pretty much all shelters and vet offices have scanners that can read these chips, and because they’re beneath your pet’s skin, they won’t ever get lost.
Do not allow your cat to be bored frequently. Your cat needs plenty of exercise. But, too many cat owners fail to realize this. Cats who get bored can actually become depressed or display other undesirable behaviors. Give them toys and things to do. If they’re inside kitties, get them a post or something else that they can scratch and climb.
Normally cats are nocturnal animals. It is likely that they will want to play while you are sleeping. If your cats keep you up late at night, you should close the bedroom door. They should stay away from you at night and then they will not be able to jump on your feet.
Give your cat plenty of love and affection. They are very loving animals and deserve affection back. Cats are social animals and will thrive when they are included in daily activities and life. They need to feel as though they are an important part of the family, as well.
Give your cat a good brushing regularly. The act of brushing helps the coat become glossy, and it helps stimulate the skin. It will also minimize hair loss. This is a good way to avoid hairballs, which are a serious health problem since they can cause choking.
If your cat does not use the litter box, do not use punishments to try to discipline him. It might be happening because you aren’t caring for the box good enough. Your cat will become afraid of you if you punish it or scold it too often.
Feed your cat high-quality cat food. Always look at the ingredients first. You want to see either fish, chicken or beef noted. Look for foods that do not have corn or elements that aren’t protein. The main part of a cat’s diet should be meat protein, so his cat food should be mostly real meat.
Be patient with your pets when you introduce a second cat into your home. There will be an inevitable adjustment period as your two cats get to know each other. Two cats may fight, hiss, or hide from each other until they become more comfortable. If you give them enough time though, chances are good they will befriend each other and enjoy the extra company.
If your cat is refusing to use his litter box, you should try putting it in a different location. A cat will be more inclined to use the litter box if it is placed in a quiet and safe area in your home. For example, your basement, laundry room or other room away from household activity should suffice.
Do not use cleaning supplies with phenol in them if you have a cat. Phenol is found in common products such as Pine-Sol, Lysol, and various other cleaners. The smell offends cats, and it can lead to prolonged illnesses.
You love your cat and want to care for them properly. After reading this article, you should know more about caring for a cat. Use the above tips to be sure your cat lives a happy, healthy life. The more you love your cat, the better.
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